Siver Black

My printmaking practice is focused on woodcut and linocut relief prints. The simplicity of the process of carving and printing the block appeals to me, as do the complexities that are possible with multi-block and reduction printing.

People are my most common subjects, appearing in both narrative and portrait work. I am interested in the connection that art makes between people. I build connection between myself and the subject in the creation of the work. Some of my feelings about the subject and some essence of them is expressed in the work, and the viewer connects when they engage with the piece.

Other subjects I explore in my work are household objects, discarded things, and places I see in my everyday life. Ordinary things and places sometimes hold deep meaning and importance to some people. Making images of theses things celebrates them, and it creates or deepens my connection to them.

Sometimes- I make a thing just because I think it’s funny.

Instagram: @siverblack

Images from Left to Right

Covid Coffee I, Reduction Woodcut, 2020
Little Monster, Linocut, 2020
Samuel, Woodcut, 2020
Fauci!, Woodcut, 2020
Homage to JCV, Woodcut, 2018
Homage to JCV 2, Multi-block Woodcut, 2018




Lucinda Cobley