Gloria Sanchez Hart

In 2010 I had a retrospective titled “40 Years of Printmaking”. This year is my 50th anniversary as a printmaker. Throughout my career I have worked etching and lithograph using the most traditional techniques. I have printed on a variety of papers using different inks with varying characteristics. I love to experiment and mono-print. After reviewing my production, I have decided to share with you 10 images that mean a lot to me. The first one is an installation that was on display at the Great Hall of The San Antonio Museum of Art to celebrate El Dia de los Muertos, 2019. This project had many elements printed for that specific installation. Also it was a great opportunity to include my relive print titled “Quinto Sol”, printed in a Steam Roller Event in 2011, as well two 2008, mono-prints “Yield” and “Orbitas Vacias” as tribute to J.G.Posada.

I was honored to be invited in 2013 and 2015 for the Artist in Residence position at Guanlan Original Printmaking Base in China. The three prints “San Fermin”, “Wheels” and “Maternity” in this portfolio are from wooden blocks carved and printed in China, where I was inspired to reduce my work to the most fundamental elements and express myself with the beauty of simplicity. During the summer of 2019, at Bihl Haus Arts, San Antonio I mounted a site-specific installation titled “Eel Road”. The exhibition included 44 mono-prints installed on the ceiling and walls of the gallery. The last three works are hand-pull relief mono-prints from that series. 

 Images from Left to Right

Dia de los Muertos 2019, Installation

Quinto Sol, woodblock and pochoir, 56”x44”, 2011 

San Fermin, woodcut on Chinese Xuan paper, 8”x11.5”, 2013

Wheels, woodcut on Chinese Xuan paper, 8”x11.5”, 2013

Maternity, woodcut reduction, 26”x36” 

Self-Entangled, woodblock mono-print, 38”x14”, 2019


Maryellen Quarles


Charlotte Seifert